
Invitation To Do a Striptease

This is so funny, I had to share!

I received a phone call from an unknown number a couple of days ago. After I’d said hello, without confirming my identity, a cheerful young woman asked me somewhat urgently if I could bring the strippers a half hour early that evening.

This struck me as pretty funny, so without missing a beat, I calmly replied that I was quite confident she had the wrong number, but that I’d already run three and a half miles that morning. I was sixty-seven years old, but in pretty good shape, so perhaps I could help her out.

After a slight pause, she said, “Well, who knows? That could be interesting. It’s going to be fun!”

She obviously had her phone on speaker, because another young woman suddenly started cracking up in the background. She must’ve been nearly rolling on the floor!

We were all having a good laugh when I said it sounded like they were planning on having a good time that evening, so I told her to have fun. She laughed, “Oh, we will! We will!”

This story gave my neighbours a good chuckle!

D Kane